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The Citizen Reagan Podcast

On November 6, 2020, I launched a new podcast to provide insight, context, history, etc. to the Reagan Radio Commentaries that I have been listening to for so many years now.

Currently, the episodes can be found through the hosting service PodBean under the name The Citizen Reagan Podcast and the services listed below.

Available on:

Google Podcasts Amazon Music Podcasts TuneIn Podcasts Apple iTunes Podcasts iHeartRadio Podcasts Spotify Podcasts Stitcher Podcasts Podcasts Deezer Podcasts ListenNotes Podcasts Podcast Addict Podcasts

Episode List, with Transcripts and Research

  1. The Martin Koszta Affair (Reagan Radio Commentaries "London 2" 75-08-A2)
  2. The Longest Contested Election in Congressional History (Reagan Radio Commentaries "New Hampshire Senate Race" 75-04-B5)
  3. Selassie's Yacht (from "A Time For Choosing")
  4. Two Commentaries (Reagan Radio Commentaries "Capitalism/Socialism" 75-02-B3 and "America's Strength" 76-07-A6)
  5. Pulp Paper and Printer's Ink (Reagan Radio Commentaries "Tiffanys and Co." 75-05-B1)
  6. Reverberations (Reagan Radio Commentaries "Ruritania" 75-16-A4)
  7. Book Smarts vs Common Sense (Reagan Radio Commentaries "George Meany and Economics" 75-10-A2)
  8. Patents (Reagan Radio Commentaries "Patent Proposals")
  9. Puzzle Palaces (from Losing Freedom by Installments, Encroaching Control, A Time For Choosing and The Myth of the Great Society)
  10. Musings on Money Book Review (Reagan Radio Commentaries "Bread Machine and Janeway" 76-03-B2)
  11. Who Does Government Tax? (Reagan Radio Commentaries "Economics 1" 78-11-A4)
  12. Reagan's Basket of Kittens (Reagan Radio Commentaries "Consumer Protection" 75-01-A2)
  13. Stop Government Intervention (Reagan Radio Commentaries "Supply and Demand" 75-02-A2)
  14. The 21st Century Patent Medicine Man (Reagan Radio Commentaries "Patent Medicine I" 79-01-A6)
  15. The Conflict with the Soviet Union (Numerous Reagan Radio Commentaries)
  16. Government Gets You Either Way (Reagan Radio Commentaries "New Regulations I" 75-08-A4, "New Regulations II" 75-08-A5, "Regulations" 79-02-B8)
  17. Red Tape (Reagan Radio Commentaries "Red Tape" 79-14-B4)
  18. National Dividend Plan (Reagan Radio Commentaries "Tax Plan 2" 75-03-B3, "Tax Plan 3" 75-03-B4)
  19. Positive vs. Negative Rights (Reagan Radio Commentaries "London 1" 75-08-A1)
  20. Where is the line? (Reagan Radio Commentaries "Land Planning" 75-04-B2)
  21. Kemp-Roth is Not Dead! (Reagan Radio Commentaries "Taxation" 78-16-B8)
  22. A Podcast Published By Myself (Reagan Radio Commentaries "Samizdat" 75-12-B3)
  23. Is That All Folks?? (Reagan Radio Commentaries "Misc. and Goodbye" 79-15-7)
  24. Considering the Minimum Wage (Reagan Radio Commentaries "Minimum Wage" 76-10-A1)
  25. Where's the Beef? (Reagan Radio Commentaries "Price of Beef" 75-04-B3)
  26. The Best Basketball Story You've Never Heard (Reagan Radio Commentaries "Big Mo" 75-11-A4)
  27. The Laissez Faire Capitalism That Never Was (Reagan Radio Commentaries "The Incredible Bread Machine" 75-02-B5)
  28. The Three Principles of Capitalism and the Free Society (Reagan Radio Commentaries "The Incredible Bread Machine" 75-02-B5)
  29. The Principles Ignored—How Political Force Disrupts Our Lives (Reagan Radio Commentaries "The Incredible Bread Machine" 75-02-B5)
  30. The Principles Applied—Alternatives to Political Force (Reagan Radio Commentaries "The Incredible Bread Machine" 75-02-B5)
  31. What Now? (Reagan Radio Commentaries "The Incredible Bread Machine" 75-02-B5)
  32. Spirit Animal of the Environmentally Woke (Reagan Radio Commentaries "Automobiles" 77-24-B4)
  33. The Unspoken Reagan (Reagan Radio Commentaries "Planned Economy")
  34. The Next Chinese Target? (Reagan Radio Commentaries "Red China" 75-02-B6, "Taiwan I" 79-01-A2, "Taiwan II" 79-01-A3, "Taiwan III" 79-01-A4, "Human Rights" 79-01-B1)
  35. Barnyard Economics Teachers (Reagan Radio Commentaries "Red Hen" 76-05-B4)
  36. Overhead (Reagan Speech "The Myth of the Great Society")
  37. Hands Up, Don't Nuke. (Reagan Radio Commentaries "Gun Control #1", "Gun Control #2", "Gun Control #3", "Gun Control", "Gun Laws, Drug Laws")
  38. American Enthusiasm (Reagan Radio Commentaries "The Hope of Mankind")
  39. Disasters (Reagan Radio Commentaries "Disaster Area")
  40. The Tyranny of Soft Energy Production (Reagan Radio Commentaries "Power")
  41. Herman Kahn vs. The Club of Rome (Reagan Radio Commentaries "Herman Kahn, Futurist")
  42. Central Planning You Right Out of Your Freedoms (Reagan Radio Commentaries "Humphrey-Hawkins Bill (Jobs A)")