Broadcast Name | Batch Number | Description |
Convention #1 | 76-01 | |
Platforms A | 76-01 | |
Platforms B | 76-01 | |
Platforms C | 76-01 | |
Panama Canal | 76-01 | |
Getting Back at the Bureaucrats A | 76-01 | |
(Getting Back at the) Bureaucrats B | 76-01 | |
Congress' Automatic Pay Raise | 76-01 | |
Women's | 76-01 | |
China | 76-01 | |
Shaping the World for 100 Years to Come | 76-01 | |
Tax Reform | 76-01 | |
The Median in the Message | 76-02 | |
Panama's Press | 76-02 | |
Mao's China | 76-02 | |
About the Press | 76-02 | |
Education (A) | 76-02 | |
Education (B) | 76-02 | |
Herman Kahn, Futurist | 76-02 | |
Paperwork and Bureaucrats | 76-02 | |
Institute for Contemporary Studies | 76-02 | |
Humphrey-Hawkins Bill (Jobs A) | 76-02 | |
Humphrey-Hawkins Bill (Jobs B) | 76-02 | |
FORBES on "full" Employment | 76-02 | |
President Coolidge | 76-02 | |
Nuclear Wastes | 76-02 | |
The Hope of Mankind | 76-02 | |
The Ford Strike | 76-03 | |
Election Day, 2 | 76-03 | |
Vietnam | 76-03 | |
Reporters, Sources, and Laws | 76-03 | |
The Fate of 14 (b) | 76-03 | |
The Speedy Trial Act | 76-03 | |
Welfare | 76-03 | |
Running Fence | 76-03 | |
"Bread Machine" and Janeway | 76-03 | |
Soviet TV and America | 76-03 | |
Government Forms | 76-03 | |
Milton Friedman #1 | 76-03 | |
Milton Friedman #2 | 76-03 | |
Sweden 1 | 76-03 | |
Sweden 2 | 76-03 | |
Diamond Lanes | 76-04 | |
Tax Reform I | 76-04 | |
Tax Reform II | 76-04 | |
Hoover's America Plan | 76-04 | |
Africa | 76-04 | |
Freedom Train | 76-04 | |
Katyn Forest | 76-04 | |
Big Government and the Cities | 76-04 | |
San Francisco | 76-04 | |
Berkeley's Street Tax | 76-04 | |
The Politics of the Federal Government | 76-04 | |
The Alaska Gas Pipeline | 76-04 | |
The Communes | 76-04 | |
New Directions | 76-04 | |
Centralized Planning | 76-05 | |
Bureaucrats Revisited | 76-05 | |
Inflation and the Property Tax I | 76-05 | |
Inflation and the Property Tax II | 76-05 | |
Land Use Planning | 76-05 | |
Education I | 76-05 | |
Education II | 76-05 | |
Campaign Reminiscence | 76-05 | |
Citizen's Choice | 76-05 | |
Liberals | 76-05 | |
Red Hen | 76-05 | |
Government Cost I | 76-05 | |
Government Cost II | 76-05 | |
Solar Energy | 76-05 | |
Britain | 76-05 | |
Unemployment and Inflation I | 76-06 | |
Unemployment and Inflation II | 76-06 | |
Unemployment and Inflation III | 76-06 | |
Unemployment and Inflation IV | 76-06 | |
Unemployment and Inflation V | 76-06 | |
Cuba | 76-06 || |
Terrorism | 76-06 | |
U.N. | 76-06 | |
Vietnam I | 76-06 | |
Vietnam II | 76-06 | |
Pardons | 76-06 | |
Child Services Act | 76-06 | |
Socialism | 76-06 | |
Soviet Visas | 76-06 | |
Human Rights Double Standard | 76-06 | |
Postal Profits | 76-07 | |
Special Parents; Special Kids | 76-07 | |
Update on Social Security | 76-07 | |
Crime I | 76-07 | |
Crime II | 76-07 | |
America's Strength | 76-07 | |
Crime and Poverty | 76-07 | |
Public Broadcasting | 76-07 | |
Welfare | 76-07 | |
Tricentennial | 76-07 | |
The Family and Other Living Things | 76-07 | |
Milton Friedman and Chile | 76-07 | |
South Vietnamese Boat People | 76-07 | |
New Hampshire and Vermont | 76-07 | |
Memo to a Liberal | 76-07 | |
Planned Economy | 76-? | |
Strategic Stockpiles | 76-08 | |
Farewell Speeches | 76-08 | |
Campaign Law Violated? | 76-08 | |
Panama | 76-08 | |
Television | 76-08 | |
Korea | 76-08 | |
People Power | 76-08 | |
Tax Limit | 76-08 | |
Televisions and Profits | 76-08 | |
Health Care | 76-08 | |
Rapid Transit | 76-08 | |
Junk Food | 76-08 | |
Building Codes | 76-08 | |
OSHA | 76-08 | |
More About OHSA | 76-08 | |
The Real China? | 76-09 | |
Capital Gains | 76-09 | |
More About Taxes | 76-09 | |
Postcard Registration | 76-09 | |
Poverty | 76-09 | |
Amnesty | 76-09 | |
Foundations | 76-09 | |
Conservation | 76-09 | |
China | 76-09 | |
Tom Wolfe's New Book | 76-09 | |
Torrijos, Human Rights and Money Lenders | 76-09 | |
IBM | 76-09 | |
Congress | 76-09 | |
Civil Service | 76-09 | |
Rhodesia | 76-09 | |
Minimum Wage | 76-10 | |
Taxes I | 76-10 | |
Taxes II | 76-10 | |
Taxes III | 76-10 | |
Agriculture Day | 76-10 | |
Update on Cuba | 76-10 | |
Cuba II | 76-10 | |
England | 76-10 | |
Seabrook | 76-10 | |
Germany | 76-10 | |
Added Inflation | 76-10 | |
Census | 76-10 | |
Sports and Religion | 76-10 | |
Amtrak | 76-10 | |
Free Press and Property Rights | 76-10 | |
Economic Plan | 76-11 | |
Equal Rights Amendment | 76-11 | |
Taxes | 76-11 | |
Intelligence | 76-11 | |
Saccharin | 76-11 | |
National Review | 76-11 | |
Chile I | 76-11 | |
Chile II | 76-11 | |
Chile III | 76-11 | |
Labor | 76-11 | |
Murphy's Law | 76-11 | |
Day Care Centers | 76-11 | |
Charity | 76-11 | |
"Argo Merchant," | 76-11 | |
Government By the People | 76-11 | |
Redwoods | 76-11 | |
Capital Punishment | 76-12 | |
Electoral College | 76-12 | |
Panama | 76-12 | |
Brezhnev | 76-12 | |
Gasohol | 76-12 | |
Coal Tar | 76-12 | |
Human Rights | 76-12 | |
Jamaica | 76-12 | |
Recycled Theater | 76-12 | |
Environment | 76-12 | |
Education and Religion | 76-12 | |
Miranda | 76-12 | |
Student Letter | 76-12 | |
Arson | 76-12 | |
FBI | 76-13 | |
A Renewable Source | 76-13 | |
Rhodesia | 76-13 | |
Lawnmowers | 76-13 | |
Cuba and Africa | 76-13 | |
Kidco | 76-13 | |
Ken Piao | 76-13 | |
Punishment | 76-13 | |
Drugs and the FDA | 76-13 | |
Lord Chalfont | 76-13 | |
Recycled Streamliner | 76-13 | |
Strategy I | 76-13 | |
Strategy II | 76-13 | |
Bill Niehouse | 76-13 | |
Postcard Registration | 76-13 | |
Korea | 76-14 | |
FBI | 76-14 | |
Voting | 76-14 | |
Public Servants | 76-14 | |
Cuba - Trouble in Paradise | 76-14 | |
National Review | 76-14 | |
Cambodia I | 76-14 | |
Cambodia II | 76-14 | |
Cambodia III | 76-14 | |
Soviet Workers | 76-14 | |
Who Government Costs Money | 76-14 | |
Marijuana | 76-14 | |
Government Spending | 76-14 | |
Inflation | 76-14 | |
Russians | 76-14 | |
Privacy Bureau | 76-15 | Guest: Peter Hannaford |
ietnam | 76-15 | |
Oil I | 76-15 | |
Oil II | 76-15 | |
Cuba | 76-15 | |
Episcopal Controversy | 76-15 | Guest: Peter Hannaford |
ntelligence | 76-15 | |
OSHA | 76-15 | |
DNA research | 76-15 | |
Indexing | 76-15 | |
Force Account Work | 76-15 | |
Common Sense Bureaucrats | 76-15 | |
Economic Fairy Tapes | 76-15 | |
Health Costs | 76-15 | |
Names | 76-15 | |
Private Property | 76-16 | |
The Hatch Act | 76-16 | |
South Africa | 76-16 | |
Food Stamps | 76-16 | |
Man's Castle | 76-16 | |
Jamaica | 76-16 | |
Endangered Medicine | 76-16 | |
Socialized Medicine | 76-16 | |
The Principal's Principles | 76-16 | |
Property Rights | 76-16 | |
Cambodia | 76-16 | |
Bulletins | 76-16 | |
Spending | 76-16 | |
Government Cost | 76-16 | |
Quiz | 76-16 | |
Food Stamps | 76-17 | |
Neutron Bomb I | 76-17 | |
Neutron Bomb II | 76-17 | |
Ukraine | 76-17 | |
Tax Shift | 76-17 | |
Drunk Driving | 76-17 | |
Korea I | 76-17 | |
Korea II | 76-17 | |
Korea III | 76-17 | |
Laxalt | 76-17 | |
Human Rights | 76-17 | |
Snail Darter | 76-17 | |
Busing | 76-17 | |
NEA | 76-17 | |
Porpoises and Tuna | 76-17 | |
Small Business | 76-17 | |
Panama | 76-18 | |
Cover Up | 76-18 | |
Justice Department | 76-18 | |
Unemployment | 76-18 | |
Medical Care | 76-18 | |
World Research | 76-18 | |
TRIS | 76-18 | |
Montage | 76-18 | |
Dream World | 76-18 | |
Tom Hayden | 76-18 | |
Business | 76-18 | |
Inflation | 76-18 | |
Korea | 76-18 | |
Rhodesia | 76-18 | |
Foreign Aid | 76-18 | |
L.A. Times (Panama Canal) | 76-19 | |
Panama Canal I | 76-19 | |
Panama Canal II | 76-19 | |
The Bible | 76-19 | |
Kettering | 76-19 | |
Government Costs | 76-19 | |
Cuba I | 76-19 | |
Cuba II | 76-19 | |
Youth Employment | 76-19 | |
The Olympics | 76-19 | |
Government Can Cost Less I | 76-19 | |
Government Can Cost Less II | 76-19 | |
Pensions | 76-19 | |
Blackout | 76-19 | |
Furbish Lousewort | 76-19 | |