Broadcast Name | Batch Number | Description |
Convention #1 | 76-01 | Having been gone on the campaign trail for roughly 9 months, Reagan talks about his experiences on the road and, not his disappointment, but the disappointment of his supporters who felt "they hadn't done enough." Available on "Reagan In His Own Voice" |
Platforms A | 76-01 | |
Platforms B | 76-01 | |
Platforms C | 76-01 | |
Panama Canal | 76-01 | |
Getting Back at the Bureaucrats A | 76-01 | |
Getting Back at the Bureaucrats B | 76-01 | |
Congress' Automatic Pay Raise | 76-01 | |
Women's | 76-01 | |
China | 76-01 | |
Shaping the World for 100 Years to Come | 76-01 | Starting with a story about writing a letter for a Los Angeles time capsule, Reagan begins to think ahead, and realizes that whatever he writes, the people who open that capsule will be living in the world his generation has shaped for them. Available on "Reagan In His Own Voice" |
Tax Reform | 76-01 | |
The Median in the Message | 76-02 | |
Panama's Press | 76-02 | |
Mao's China | 76-02 | |
About the Press | 76-02 | |
Education (A) | 76-02 | |
Education (B) | 76-02 | |
Herman Kahn, Futurist | 76-02 | |
Paperwork and Bureaucrats | 76-02 | |
Institute for Contemporary Studies | 76-02 | |
Humphrey-Hawkins Bill (Jobs A) | 76-02 | |
Humphrey-Hawkins Bill (Jobs B) | 76-02 | |
FORBES on "full" Employment | 76-02 | |
President Coolidge | 76-02 | |
Nuclear Wastes | 76-02 | |
The Hope of Mankind | 76-02 | |
The Ford Strike | 76-03 | |
Election Day, 2 | 76-03 | |
Vietnam | 76-03 | |
Reporters, Sources, and Laws | 76-03 | |
The Fate of 14 (b) | 76-03 | |
The Speedy Trial Act | 76-03 | |
Welfare | 76-03 | |
Running Fence | 76-03 | |
"Bread Machine" and Janeway | 76-03 | |
Soviet TV and America | 76-03 | |
Government Forms | 76-03 | |
Milton Friedman #1 | 76-03 | |
Milton Friedman #2 | 76-03 | |
Sweden 1 | 76-03 | |
Sweden 2 | 76-03 | |
Diamond Lanes | 76-04 | |
Tax Reform I | 76-04 | |
Tax Reform II | 76-04 | |
Hoover's America Plan | 76-04 | |
Africa | 76-04 | |
Freedom Train | 76-04 | For the bicentennial, the Freedom Train is traveling the country, carrying its own museum of America's past 200 years. Reagan tells us who is running it and includes some short stories about the popularity of the train. Available on "Reagan In His Own Voice" |
Katyn Forest | 76-04 | A memorial has been dedicated for the members of the Polish Army that died at the hands of the Soviet Army in 1940. After much work getting British government approval, it now resides in a cemetery in London. Available on "Reagan In His Own Voice" |
Big Government and the Cities | 76-04 | |
San Francisco | 76-04 | |
Berkeley's Street Tax | 76-04 | |
The Politics of the Federal Government | 76-04 | |
The Alaska Gas Pipeline | 76-04 | |
The Communes | 76-04 | In "The Children of the Counter-Culture" John Rothchild and Susan Wolf visit communes to learn how the now grown generation is raising their children. It paints an interesting picture. Available on "Reagan In His Own Voice" |
New Directions | 76-04 | |
Centralized Planning | 76-05 | |
Bureaucrats Revisited | 76-05 | |
Inflation and the Property Tax I | 76-05 | |
Inflation and the Property Tax II | 76-05 | |
Land Use Planning | 76-05 | |
Education I | 76-05 | |
Education II | 76-05 | |
Campaign Reminiscence | 76-05 | |
Citizen's Choice | 76-05 | |
Liberals | 76-05 | |
Red Hen | 76-05 | With some slight tweaks, Reagan turns a classic children's fable into a lesson on economics. You can Listen Here. Available on "Reagan In His Own Voice" |
Government Cost I | 76-05 | |
Government Cost II | 76-05 | |
Solar Energy | 76-05 | |
Britain | 76-05 | |
Unemployment and Inflation I | 76-06 | |
Unemployment and Inflation II | 76-06 | |
Unemployment and Inflation III | 76-06 | |
Unemployment and Inflation IV | 76-06 | |
Unemployment and Inflation V | 76-06 | |
Cuba | 76-06 || |
Terrorism | 76-06 | |
U.N. | 76-06 | |
Vietnam I | 76-06 | |
Vietnam II | 76-06 | |
Pardons | 76-06 | |
Child Services Act | 76-06 | |
Socialism | 76-06 | |
Soviet Visas | 76-06 | While the Helsinki Accords gave Soviet citizens the right to get an exit visa, that didn't mean the process was easy. Available on "Reagan In His Own Voice" |
Human Rights Double Standard | 76-06 | |
Postal Profits | 76-07 | |
Special Parents; Special Kids | 76-07 | |
Update on Social Security | 76-07 | |
Crime I | 76-07 | |
Crime II | 76-07 | |
America's Strength | 76-07 | |
Crime and Poverty | 76-07 | |
Public Broadcasting | 76-07 | |
Welfare | 76-07 | |
Tricentennial | 76-07 | |
The Family and Other Living Things | 76-07 | |
Milton Friedman and Chile | 76-07 | |
South Vietnamese Boat People | 76-07 | |
New Hampshire and Vermont | 76-07 | |
Memo to a Liberal | 76-07 | |
Planned Economy | 76-? | |