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Page Revision: Thursday, 04 March 2021 23:01

The following is a collection of the materials used in creating the twentieth episode of the Citizen Reagan podcast (pending permission from the Reagan Foundation) about the Reagan's Radio Commentaries.



Will be released when the episode goes live.

you know I think um certainly um yeah I underlined that same passage too about the uh they can we collectively through our government do exactly what we can do as individuals I I think though to counter that a lot of government's roles these days is to do the things we can't do like build a bridge or build a road where we don't want Jeff Bezos owning the Brooklyn bridge um the kind of thing you know because people can't get over to New York if if all the bridges are private you know so I think um well then again to counter my point there is that you still have to pay a tax to get across yeah yeah so maybe not the best exam but I think we understand you know I mean the the you know fire houses used to be a fire insurance back in in a revolutionary war yeah period so I think there's there's a lot that we do collectively better and we have to there are certain things and defense is one example by defense yeah a lot of other but you know um I was actually just listening to it when we were driving here he Reagan in a different broadcast talks about a I don't know don't want to call it a think tank really but it was it was a couple guys that were researching and putting out newspaper articles and pamphlets and such and documents about privatizing those services that a lot of us get publicly um he talks about Scottsdale Arizona did you know that Scottsdale Arizona had a private fire department up until a couple years ago yeah and I— I thought it was in the arts yes yeah okay oh fancy it's like 2005 2006. but it could have been could have been just a couple years I remember when they still had it hearing uh yeah about that but some private garbage private and well we got private ambulances around here don't we uh no not to take you to the hospital but other places do okay Atlanta does okay I thought hospital private ambulance is to go between places but okay maybe that's what I'm thinking the the the the the the I don't am I giving too much away the Donald Martins yeah those those are to take you from nursing oh gotcha so that's an appointment gotcha okay sure but I mean the point I think we all understand the point is that there are areas that you can certainly privatize and um have useful but the the parts that you can't right like um I mean I don't think we want our water to you know like well I i guess we do gas and other things but but certainly there are there's there's public elements to that there's there's uh uh uh power generation is some one thing where you've got a private company but they're they're heavily controlled and they're heavily subsidized because we rely on it by the government yes again I keep coming back to more broadcast because he just talked about so many different things he talks about unions Reagan I mean historically we can look back and say yes Reagan didn't like public unions he ended up firing a whole bunch of air traffic controllers but years before that he talked about public unions and he talks about how well you you can't go go to somebody else to take care of your sewer treatment sewer that's kind of the city this you can't have an alternate sewer system you you just it doesn't work you wouldn't work it wouldn't be feasible so when the suit when sewer workers in San Francisco went on strike all of the suit raw sewage just gets dumped into San Francisco bay that was that was one of the examples he cited that's where they really shouldn't have that freedom I mean they've got a lot of perks to being there's a lot of perks to being a public servant as opposed to a private uh uh employee of a company and when you when you strike against the government as a public employee you're striking against the all the people which isn't a very nice thing to do I guess but but the uh but uh you know to that point well that's getting off track a little yeah I know I'm but um but uh you know we do that uh when we do that when uh conservatives go oh we need to cut the government spending they don't go we go we're going to cut the people's spending I mean but which is the same thing you know but very seldom do conservative do republicans or conservatives or anybody really unless they're trying to say the other side wants to do this very rarely do they say we're going to cut all the __ the policemen and the firemen and the teachers I mean the democrats will say if we cut a budget those are the first things that are going to go and the republican you know recovering republicans will say no it's not and the republicans would say well we'll cut the well for um what's the flip side what would be a good flip side for that cutting defense maybe we can't cut defense well I'm sure there's ways we can I will freely admit I think there's ways we could cut defense spending uh yeah so getting back to uh psychology

um you know I i think um that you know the way Reagan starts it is is really is the key and that's that line you were talking about of uh of where that line is because he says you know you can't just bulldoze down everything in the news progress um and and I think that you know that the whole thing I mentioned earlier about the oversimplification of just having the supply and demand it sort of does open that up a little bit um i'll give you one other example about the eminent domain is that it with the government um you know we're all voting or our city council is going to talk about building the new school or whatever it might be down the road for you know two years before it happened and uh if if we didn't have that capability what I feel might happen is that um companies will come in buy options on that land and say hey Roy I'm going to give you 50 000 for the right to buy your house for the next five years because they think there's a possibility that's going to happen right and then they will hold out with their money instead of those individuals like you were talking about in in in your city so uh if there isn't that threat that there is some alternative that certainly could open up and and start to be something that I don't think happens much now but I think could happen um because that's what they do you know Walmart is thinking about opening up uh in in whatever city and they buy the option for that land well in advance and they don't tell anybody you know like you know they they have that Disney did that too right oh yeah he bought all the swamp unknown but now with the government and so when you're private you can do that and you don't have to tell everyone what your plans are but when you're the government's trying to open up a new facility or a new street or whatever it might be everyone knows what you're going to do you know and I think that could certainly impact their ability to do even if you are private I mean I know Disney had Disney to get all that land in Florida for Walt Disney he had to have dozens of companies shell comp dummy companies that were buying up the land under other other names because the moment people knew he was dumping money into Florida they were buying up the land like you were talking about buying up the land so that they could you know oh well yeah we'll sell it to you we're gonna we want uh you know 100 000 instead of the 50 that it was worth originally so now imagine yeah so now imagine you are you know trying to build you know a library or whatever it might be you have to budget out what that is to get the voters to prove it how do you do that if there's no cap on what that land will cost right you know so there's a lot of a lot of uh things that can result in if we just you know like all of a sudden ditch the the plan of eminent domain and we go into a supply and demand kind of scenario specifically because it's the government buying stuff yeah well that covers it doesn't I think so I think so for this and other podcasts you can visit uh any number of places my I have the podcast available through google through itunes through I heart radio uh boy uh whatever the heck deezer is and and and and amazon music there's there's all over the place even though nobody's really listening to it um I listen to it thank you mike google podcast it's a great way to do it um you can also visit my wiki I don't think I mentioned it this go around

print you can get all of the past episodes plus uh I provide hyperlinks for research that I've done and transcripts of my— what I say and the Reagan broadcast that it goes with it. I will— we'll see you in another week— I guess.

Thanks for inviting me Roy. It was a lot of fun.

no problem. -->

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