Viewpoint with Ronald Reagan of 1975

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Domestic Policy Discussions Foreign Policy DiscussionsPopular Culture/Current EventsPolitical Philosophy

Broadcast Name Batch Number Description
Food Stamps75-01         Reagan tells a couple stories of completely legal food stamp abuse and explains a little of the history.
Food stamps were originally designed to help distribute excess agricultural products to the poor. Not so anymore. At the time of the recording, here were 13 million people receiving food stamps. He suggests that the Federal food stamp program should be moved from the Department of Agriculture to the Health, Education and Welfare Department.

On Youtube
Consumer Protection75-01In what Reagan felt was a significant overreach of government, he discusses an attempt by the Congress to create a "Consumer Protection Agency". While we still have not yet seen such an agency created, there is now a Consumer Financial Protection Agency and many other agencies already regulate business for the purpose of protecting consumers.
Inflation75-01While he does cover inflation in his discussion, the primary focus of this broadcast is actually government regulation and bureaucracy. He shares how small businesses waste time and resources filling out vast amounts of government paperwork. If the regulation was reduced, these businesses could put that time and resources into growing their business or reducing their prices for the consumer.
Available in "Reagan In His Own Hand" Page 255
Boondoggle75-01"Boondoggles" was the term that Reagan used for wasteful government spending.
Reagan provides his opinion that studies to determine what makes people happy (here's a hint, being young, being rich, being healthy) and 1-word poems ("Lighght") should not receive public funds.

On Youtube with "Boondoggles' Foe"
Cuba75-01Reagan relays the story of two senators who visited Cuba, then shares his opinions on what quid pro quo measures he feels would be necessary to normalize relations with the island. This recording is briefly referenced in "Cuba: A Documentary."

On Youtube, with "Cuba: A Documentary"
Unemployment 175-01 Reagan needed three broadcasts to talk about how the the unemployment number is generated and what makes it easy to misinterpret and manipulate.
In the first broadcast, he explains that modern unemployment is nothing as compared to the Great Depression and that the current situation (in 1975) is being blown out of proportion.
In the second, we get a explanation of the calculations that go into the unemployment number (showing why the situation is being overblown).
In the last of the three, he explains that, while governor of California, the Federal government came to him and several other states to change how they calculated unemployment. The result was a "significant" jump even though nothing had chance it also meant more Federal money flowing into the state.
Unemployment 275-01
Unemployment 375-01
Bureaucrats75-01Reagan explains regulation. What many people may not understand is that Congress doesn't really make that many laws, as we would think of them. Rather, the legislation they pass instructs bureaucrats to do act as they see fit to carry out the directions provided by Congress.
Civil Service75-01The civil service of the Federal government is (or was) the largest single pool of employees in the country. They receive frequent raises and are not expected to get results.
3 R's75-01Reading, (W)riting and (A)rithmetic. If you think your kids are the only ones struggling with the first two, you're not the only one. Kids are graduating high school only to fail their placement tests at the college level, which forces them into remedial "Bonehead English" classes.
Postal Service75-01A few years before, the cabinet-level Postal Department was reorganized into the United States Postal Service an independent corporation with a government sanctioned monopoly on first-class mail. The American public was assured they would be self-sustaining. Don't you believe it. Reagan discusses three ideas being floated to put the USPS in the black, and a 4th which had the potential to bring the price of postage down.

On Youtube with "Postal Feedback"
Fair Trade75-01It's called fair trade, but if a business argues for free enterprise while also arguing for the government to set a minimum price, is it actually free or fair?
Inflation Fighting75-02A study was done in Tucson Arizona over 2 years and found that families were throwing out over 2 tons of food every year, amounting to 10% of the food purchased over that time. If we'd just cut portions down by that 10%, we could eliminate the waste, save some money, and put that food to better use.
Supply and Demand75-02Nothing, even our Federal government, can stop supply-and-demand. During a price and wage controls in the early 1970s, goods shortages came about as companies shifted away from producing those materials that were price regulated.
Surprise Tax Bills75-02You've got another bill coming, it's for your portion of the National Debt, totaling $114,818, up $13,000 from last year (1974). Reagan reads from the tax code, section 509 to show how confusing it is.
Energy Problems75-02The President has announced a tax rebate, but are you going to actually feel a benefit from it? Likely not, because they're also going to pass import fees on oil on to the people, specifically to encourage (i.e. force) people to use less gas.
Rocky's Story75-02Rocky's a sick child and while on a plane trip to Chicago for treatment, Dad lost his wallet. Then the stewardess, airline crew and passengers got involved. You can see the newspaper article Reagan likely read from the AP here. A follow-up to the story: Rocky, real name Dearl Steoart, has lived a hard life.

On Youtube, with "Volunteerism"
Public Employees75-02Public employees shouldn't be allowed to strike. Reagan provides some compelling reasons why.
Vietnam Policy75-02South Vietnam is going to end up falling, because we can't (or won't) provide adequate support to our own military. It doesn't help that the North Vietnam are not abiding by the terms of certain accords and being resupplied by both China and the Soviet Union.
Capitalism/Socialism75-02The Cold War is nothing more than the latest battle in the centuries old fight between the freedom of capitalism and the nanny-state of socialism. People are starting to call for that utopian society to end poverty. Don't they know Utopia (ουτοπíα) is Greek for "nowhere"? If they really want it, its time to yank out your phone, smash your TV and prepare to get relocated to the fields, because that's what its like in the Soviet Union.
Volunteerism75-02Rocky's Story (above) is nowhere near an isolated incident. Americans are the most charitable in the world, in spite of our tax burden. This has been true for more than a century, as Alexis de Tocqueville wrote in Democracy in America. He wrote (as Reagan says) "You may not believe this, but in America, when someone sees a problem that needs solving he doesn't call on government. He crosses the street and talks to a neighbor about it and the first thing you know a committee is formed and before long, the problem is solved, without any bureaucrats being involved or any new government programs started."

On Youtube, with "Rocky's Story"
Incredible Bread Machine75-02Reagan reads poetry! Reagan gives us a poem from the book The Incredible Bread Machine

On Youtube, with The Superintendent's Dilemma
Red China75-02At the time of this broadcast, the People's Republic of China was not formally recognized as the legitimate government by the United States. The accepted China was the island of Taiwan, where the non-Communist Chinese went after their war with the Communists. Reagan asks what would need to happen for the the U.S. to recognize it and begin normalizing relations with the government of Mainland China. (Recognition of Taiwan would change in 1979.)
Federal Budget75-03President Gerald Ford has abandoned his pledge for a balanced budget in 1976. His proposed budget would be $52 billion in the red. We shouldn't forget that there's a $35 billion for 1975. This is a serious problem and could lead to inflation, higher interest rates, added unemployment and bevy of other issues.
Détente75-03Reagan seemed to be unhappy with the idea of détente, primarily because it seemed to turn into concessions by the United States and none for the Soviet Union.
Peru Revolution75-03In 1968, the Peruvian military overthrew the government, creating a government which would last until 1980. In this commentary, Reagan speaks of some recent developments in the country, in which they hope to create a hybrid system of capitalism and socialism which had previously only be theorized.
Mozart vs Sibelius75-03Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, brilliant Austrian composer, worked under a patronage system in which he was commissioned to compose, produced music until his untimely death at age 35. Jean Sibelius, one of the finest composers of Finland, hailed as a national hero, composed until granted a government pension, then (mostly) stopped.
Guest (?writer?): Peter Hannaford
The Delta Queen75-03The Delta Queen was a steam-powered paddle-boat operating on the Mississippi and Ohio Rivers, but new government regulations recently put into place because of a fire would force her to be refit, but this would also destroy the charm and nostalgia.
A Cuba Documentary75-03Reagan questions how to define a documentary after CBS broadcasts "Cuba: The People" which details the current state of the Communist island. Reagan proceeds to demonstrate, using a , how much better things were B.C. ... "Before Castro".
The full documentary can be found was here, at until recently. Should I share that I downloaded it before they went down??
Available on "Reagan In His Own Voice" posted on Youtube.

On Youtube, with "Cuba"
Farm Facts75-03Being dependent on the weather for their livelihood, you can see where farmers can have a rough time. Yet, the price of various foods stays relatively stable. Maybe we should cut them some slack when prices go up?
Available on "Reagan In His Own Voice"

On Youtube, with "Price of Beef"
Tax Plan #175-03 What more can capitalism do to show its superiority over socialism? Well, how about making more capitalists? Only 6% of the United States actually makes a living by owning the means of production, the rest make their way from wages or a salary. The Homestead Act was revolutionary event in world history, giving everyone the ability to own a piece of land. Lewis Kelso is the innovator behind the ESOP, allowing employees to own stock in their own companies.
Another way that employees can be given a stake in the health of companies is the National Dividend Plan. After freezing federal spending for a number of years and ending the dividend tax, every registered voter would begin to receive a quarterly dividend. It would come from the the Federal corporate tax (at the time, 48%).

On Youtube
Tax Plan #275-03
Tax Plan #375-03
Arms Limitations75-03Will SALT II, recently negotiated in Vladivostok, really bring parity between the nuclear arsenals of the Soviet Union and United States? Reagan isn't so sure and he'll explain why. The key is how limits were placed. Limiting numbers is fine, but if their weapons are larger and capable of launching as MIRVs while ours cannot, doesn't that give them the edge?
Crisis of Democracy75-03There's trouble in western Europe. Every country in the "common market" of Europe has changed its leadership. Greece and Turkey almost went to war over Cyprus. France, Italy, and England all growing more unstable. West Germany is among the most stable, but their leader, Willy Brandt just resigned after it was learned that one of his personal assistants was a East German Stasi spy.
Unemployment #175-04 In previous broadcasts about unemployment, Reagan focused on the inaccurate way statistics are gathered and reported. In these two, he focuses more on some of the causes of unemployment. For example, he opens with the question, "Is a worker with a particular skill really unemployed if somewhere in the land an employer has a job for such a worker?" In the first broadcast, he talks about the severe lack tradesmen, like metalworkers. One multi-state company has most of its workers over 60 and its youngest is 40. The demand for workers is there and the jobs are high paying, but no ones filling the positions. In the second, he shows concern over the lack of ability of finding jobs that may be in other cities or across state lines.
Unemployment #275-04
W. Germany / Inflation75-04Throughout the western world, there is rapid inflation, with one exception, West Germany. Why? Perhaps, just perhaps the memories of 50 years ago, of the Wiemar hyperinflation and the Nazi regime that came from its ashes, still burn in the minds of her people and these people decided they would rather cut government spending than print up more to pay for it.
National Debt #175-04
National Debt #275-04
Congress and Security75-04The House and Senate recently voted to close their respective "internal security" subcommittees (SSIS and ?????). Should this have been done? Reagan doesn't think so. Reagan also speaks of the Weather Underground domestic terrorist organization.
The Work Ethic75-04The discontent of the 1960s and its opposition to mechanized mass production had a fine side-effect, a growth in hand-craftsmanship. As a result, many of those (re-)discovered old-style work ethics and values. Reagan mentions Foxfire a magazine published to preserve the history of southern Appalachia.
Land Planning75-04Government cannot grant to itself rights that never belonged to the people it claims to represent. Thus, government should not be able to simply claim ownership of land, making it unusable for the sake of ecology.
Available on "Reagan In His Own Voice"
Available in "Reagan In His Own Hand" Page 338
Price of Beef75-04A recent shortage and price spike in beef led to a unique movement: people advocating that world hunger could be helped if we stopped raising beef. If it takes 4lbs of grain to add 1lb of that grain could be put to better use, right? Reagan explains why that won't work, but also how important the "5th quarter" of the cow is to non-food industries.

On Youtube, with "Farm Facts"
Private Government75-04
New Hampshire Senate Contest75-04Reagan speaks in the midst of what would become the longest contested election in United States Congress history. He suggests that if the Senate should choose to seat the Democrat, John Durkin, who had won the initial vote (by 10 votes), but lost (by 2 votes) after a recount, the people of New Hampshire should be outraged.
Audio and extended analysis in the second episode of the Citizen Reagan Podcast.
Recession vs Inflation75-04Senator Hubert Humphrey believes that the way to fix the recession is to encourage the Federal Reserve to make more money available. Reagan knows this will increase inflation and doesn't like that one bit.
Available in "Reagan In His Own Hand" page 264
Southeast Asia75-05
Energy Sources75-05Reagan, using an article by Dr. Petr Beckmann (No Energy Exhaustion) talks about the contrast between the perceived crisis of energy shortage and the reality. (Any shortages are the result of government regulations.)
Capital Punishment75-05
Vacation Exchange75-05
The Superintendent's Dilemma75-05Reagan resorts to use of another poem, one sent to him by Willie Nelson, a school superintendent from Idaho City. Like the Incredible Bread Machine, Reagan ended up re-reading the poem several times due to requests from fans of the show. The Superintendent's Dilemma.

On Youtube, with The Incredible Bread Machine
Oil Talk75-05
Tiffany and Company75-05In 1975, Tiffany and Co. took out an advertisement in the newspaper. This may not sound like an unusual occurrence for a was the content of that advertisement which may surprise. They issued an 8-point statement against inflation and government intervention. Chairman Walter Hoving used this and other ads with some frequency over his tenure.

Audio and extended analysis in the fifth episode of the Citizen Reagan Podcast.
On Youtube
Cold Beer75-05Until 1986, Coors Brewing was only a regional brewing company. Those on the east coast of the United States had to bootleg the beer. That's what Smokey and the Bandit was about. Anyways, Reagan discusses a recent Supreme Court case which saw it declared that Coors was participating in unfair competition.

On Youtube
Regulations75-05Regulation is a drain on businesses and often results in businesses or industries that stagnate rather than innovate. FDR and JFK were both warned that the massive collection of agencies were anchors around the necks of the country.
Available in "Reagan In His Own Hand" Page 294
Federal Retirement Pensions75-05The government has a problem...the federal retirees are complaining that the cost-of-living increase they receive to compensate for inflation is taking too long to get to them, putting them behind in their bills. Congress' solution: Add 1% above the inflation rate to their increase, but that's coming out of the taxpayer's pocket.
Reagan has a better solution: Cut the red tape so the increase gets to them right away.
Easy Voting75-05Politicians complain that people don't vote because its too hard to register, it needs to be easier...this has led to some serious problems, says Reagan, like a single-family house that had over 59 people registered to vote at it, and 30 that actually had voted in 1970. In a 1973 election, only 6 voted from the address, but the house had burned down 4 months earlier.
Available on "Reagan In His Own Voice"
The Money Supply75-05Reagan boils down into simple terms the job of the Federal Reserve and the basic economics of deflation and inflation.
Portugal #175-06This collection is not available from the Hoover Institute.
Portugal #275-06This collection is not available from the Hoover Institute.
Energy #175-06This collection is not available from the Hoover Institute.
Energy #275-06This collection is not available from the Hoover Institute.
Campaign Law75-06This collection is not available from the Hoover Institute.
Indochina #175-07Reagan discusses the "Domino Effect" an expression coined (in its geopolitical sense) by Eisenhower in regards to protection of smaller nations by the United States against the influences of Socialism/Communism. In the first broadcast, Reagan takes the media to task for their inability to take claim to their own failed predictions. In the second part, he covers news about (former) allies of the United States who are starting to throw their lot in with Red China.
Part 2 Available in "Reagan In His Own Hand" Page 48

On Youtube
Indochina #275-07
Utility Subsidies75-07
Postal Feedback75-07Some weeks ago, Reagan talked about the postal service. Now, he's received some stories from the listeners and he's more than willing to share. Best story: His own show producer had heard from radio stations stating that, despite more than a week lead time in delivery, several of the radio broadcasts materials had not reached them.

On Youtube with "Post Office"
Patent Proposals75-07In the fight to reduce energy prices, what are the government's options? Allow more oil drilling? Reduce regulations on nuclear power plants? Incentivize innovation? None of the above. Reagan covers a few of the plans being tossed around and they all involve violating the Constitutional protections of patents.
Audio and extended analysis in the eighth episode of the Citizen Reagan Podcast.
The New Congress75-07
Abortion Laws75-07While governor of California, Reagan was asked by a legislator what a bill legalizing abortion was have to include in order for him to sign it. He does a great deal of research and soul searching. In the end, he decides abortion would only be legal in cases of rape, incest or if the life of the mother was threatened, and he discusses his rationale behind the decision.
Available on "Reagan In His Own Voice"
Available in "Reagan In His Own Hand" Page 380
Welfare #175-07 During his time as governor of California, Reagan successfully reformed welfare for the state, leading to both an increase in benefits and a reduction in costs to the taxpayer, however, he knew he could have done better. Federal regulations stood in the way. Now, there's a move to reform those regulations. Reagan also discusses some history of welfare and the result toll it takes on the psyche of an individual.
Welfare #2 available in "Reagan In His Own Hand" Page 389

On Youtube
Welfare #275-07
Welfare #375-07
London #175-08Reagan does some recording from London. He mentions speaking before the Pilgrim Society. He speaks of the close relationship between the United States and Great Britain, how we took certain inspiration for the Constitution from the Magna Carta and then shares some words from past British leaders praising the document. He then touches on the Soviet Constitution and how, while it may offer the same freedoms as the Constitution, the source of those freedoms is quite different. In the United States, our rights come from God and the government cannot infringe upon them. In the Soviet Union, the rights come from the government and they could be (and often were) revoked.
London #275-08Reagan tells the story of Captain Duncan Ingraham and Martin Koszta. One key statement is Reagan's hope that the U.S. Navy always has a ship named for Ingraham. Interestingly, there was no ship with the name at the time of this broadcast and would not be until 1988.
Audio and extended analysis in the first episode of the Citizen Reagan Podcast.
London #375-08Right now, in 2018, "Brexit" is a big topic in European politics, but I wonder how many people know that in 1975, Great Britain held a similar referendum. Reagan brings it up.

On Youtube
Regulations / New Wave #175-08 There's a new bunch of regulations rolling into place from agencies like OSHA and the EPA, but what kind of impact are they going to have on you? More than you may realize. Reagan has a great monologue about the definition of "exit." The basis for these two commentaries seems to be a paper written by Murray Weidenbaum, who go on to be part of the Reagan White House in 1981-1982.

On Youtube
Regulations / New Wave #275-08
Farm Workers Union75-08Are you participating in the grape boycott? There's some information about it thst's be left out of the media coverage.

On Youtube with "Radical Chic Revisited"
No Time to Confuse75-08The Ford Foundation released its report "A Time to Choose: America's Energy Future" in 1974 and the Institute for Contemporary Studies has already written a counter to it called "No Time to Confuse." Reagan shares some of the details of both reports.
Available on "Reagan In His Own Voice"
Available in "Reagan In His Own Hand"
Land Use75-08Quick note for future: Lots of Udalls in Arizona politics. This commentary references Morris "Mo" Udall.
Peace75-08After a recent trip to London, Reagan compares opinions on the Soviet Union and how they are viewed as a threat to peace in the world to the attitudes similarly felt regarding Nazi Germany 40 years before. He expresses his belief in "Peace Through Strength" and mentions that Japan only sought to draw the United States into World War II after Congress almost abolished the military draft and sent most of the army home.
Available on "Reagan In His Own Voice"
Available in "Reagan In His Own Hand" Page 4
Government: Big vs Small #175-08Normally, when one talks about big or small government, its in reference to the federal government and the amount of responsibilities it puts on itself. In this case, however, Reagan is talking about local governments. Regionalization, the idea that small cities might pool their resources on a joint police force or some other kind of service. While this may allow for better use of tax dollars, Reagan argues that this pulls government farther from the people, making it less personal and responsive to the needs of its citizens.

On Youtube
Government: Big vs Small #275-08
The Amazing DeBolts75-09How many kids can you handle? For the DeBolt family, its 19, most adopted and many of these, in some fashion, disabled came from Korea, Vietnam, Mexico and the United States. A 1977 documentary about the family would win an Oscar.
The Washington Media75-09Occasionally, federal regulation actually has some good effects. The Washington Star newspaper is having financial trouble and needs to be sold and one of the potential buyers is the Washington Post. Regulations in favor of competition may stop this. The Star would eventually be sold to Time Inc., but after continued trouble, it would fold with its assets (buildings, land, presses, etc.) being liquidated and sold to the Post.
Italian Bureaucracy and the U.S. Treasury75-09Reagan may talk a lot about American bureaucracy, but even if you doubled our troubles, we're better off than the rest of the world. Reagan illustrates this by sharing the story of Italy's bureaucracy which currently still has government agencies deal with World War 2 relief, aid to Vesuvius victims and aid for the Garibaldi campaigns, which only ended 150 years ago. But, at least their making an effort to close these obsolete departments. Maybe we should bring some of them in when they finish...

On Youtube
United Nations75-09The United Nations was founded with lofty goals to prevent future wars. The United States has been paying the lion-share of the bills for the UN for decades. Reagan questions whether they've been an adequate return on the investment.
Available in "Reagan In His Own Hand" Page 159
Red Sea75-09Soviet influence is growing in two majority Muslim countries, Somalia in Africa and South Yemen on the Arabian Peninsula, and it could spell disaster for trade if they get their way (thankfully, nothing happened). The British may control the Suez Canal, but the Gulf of Aden lies at the other end of the Red Sea. These two countries could easy close off, or allow the Soviet Union to close off, the gulf and force a massive amount of shipping traffic to be forced around the Cape of Good Hope of Africa.
Nuclear Power75-09What are the odds of a fatal accident at a nuclear power plant? To advocacy group "People for Proof" it must be zero. What do experts put the odds at? 300 million to 1. Too high. No nuclear power for you!
Available on "Reagan In His Own Voice"
Available in "Reagan In His Own Hand" Page 323
Recession's Cause75-09Wall Street Journal article "Analysts Now Agree Recession's Key Cause Was Rampant Inflation" from April 25, 1975 the basis for the broadcast.
Government Computers75-09Social Security seems to enjoy making people dead. At least on paper and once you're dead, its real tough to stop being so.
Adoption75-09During his time as governor, Reagan spoke to high school children for a education series that would be broadcast to the schools of California. In one, a student asked him about his stance regarding the legality of abortion and asked if it wasn't preferable to allowing a child to grow up unloved. Reagan counters by stating that there are thousands of families willing to take on a child through adoption.
Available on "Reagan In His Own Voice"

posted on Youtube.
Agency for Consumer Advocacy75-09
George Meany and Economics75-10This commentary opens with what might be one of Reagan's best quips of the series: "George Meany talking economics is like the gentleman that drowned crossing a river he'd been told it had an average depth of only 3 feet."
Audio and extended analysis in the seventh episode of the Citizen Reagan Podcast.
Communism, The Disease75-10Reagan likens Communism to an illness and a form of insanity. He shares a couple stories, one of which pertains to a West Berlin boy who fell into the Spree River. The West Berlin fire department was prevented from saving him by a East Berlin patrol boat. (This may be the story of Siegfried Kroboth)
Available on "Reagan In His Own Voice"
Available in "Reagan In His Own Hand" Page 10

On Youtube
Soviet Superiority75-10
The EPA Strikes Again75-10
Panama Canal75-10The United States has made numerous mutually beneficial agreements with Panama, often involving the Canal. Henry Kissinger is, we are told, willing to make some serious concessions which would reduce United States control in the Canal zone, giving it to Panama. Reagan mentions turning over to them the day-to-day policing, fire and mail delivery. Of note: Reagan specifically mentions the threat to security regarding the mail, which would likely be monitored by Panama's "G2 Section", under the command of Manuel Noriega.
Boondoggles' Foe75-10Someone's got a plan to put an end to the boondoggles, but what are the odds it actually makes it to a full Congressional vote.

On Youtube with "Boondoggles"
Radical Chic Revisited75-10In 1970, Tom Wolfe coined the term "Radical Chic" in this article after attending an elite party for the Black Panthers. But, what's the outrage de jour for the left-leaning elitists to talk about this time around? The Caesar Chavez-led Farm Unions and their grape and lettuce boycotts.

On Youtube with "Farm Workers Union"
Falling Dominoes75-10
Truth in Spending75-10
Congress vs Local Government75-10
Tax Loopholes75-10Among Reagan's most relevant lines to our modern political discussion comes from this broadcast: "Politicians dearly love to make the people believe they have some magic way of extracting taxes from some mysterious 'they' who are not now paying their fair share." (Emphasis added) Always fear a politician talking about closing tax loopholes, because they often are saying (without saying) they want to close deductions you take, like deducting the property tax on your home of the interest on your mortgage.
Available in "Reagan In His Own Hand" Page 268
Is This the Land of Our Fathers?75-11
Guest: Maureen Reagan

On Youtube
Is Government Our Big Brother?75-11
Guest: Maureen Reagan

On Youtube
Seen Your Doctor Lately?75-11
Guest: Maureen Reagan

On Youtube
Big Mo75-11Big Mo, also released under the name Maurie, is a 1973 film about the paralysis of NBA basketball player Maurice Stokes. Reagan encourages his listeners to watch the film. The movies does not appear to have ever been released to DVD, but is available on Youtube but not the best video quality.
Inflation As Tax75-11Without indexing the tax code, simple cost of living raises, meant to keep pace with inflation, force workers into higher tax brackets. The result, you get to take home less money than if you had not received the raise in the first place. This also causes problems with capital gains. That $100,000 house you bought for $50,000 20 years ago when the dollar was worth twice as much should have lots of taxes on it, but it does.
Available on "Reagan In His Own Voice"
Cost Overruns75-11
Gun Control #175-11

On Youtube
Gun Control #275-11
Gun Control #375-11
Button Button75-11Apparently, the counterfeiting of campaign buttons is so rampant, the Federal government has created specific regulations about the creation of replica buttons. Reagan suggests we may soon see a whole department dedicated to it.
Letters to the Editor75-11Reading from a Letter to the Editor, we learn the story of the U.S.S. Midway as it rescues people fleeing from South Vietnam as told by an American clergyman.
Available on "Reagan In His Own Voice"
Available in "Reagan In His Own Hand" Page 15
Business, Profits, Myths and Realities75-11
Free Enterprise75-12
Law and Order75-12Reagan takes on some political code talk and shows how it is actually the accusers who have the negative outlook.
Reagan also starred in a movie called Law and Order ("Which wasn't very good, as some of you who watch the late show will know.")
Available on "Reagan In His Own Voice"

On Youtube
Job Hunting75-12
Budget "Uncontrollables,"75-12
Aquaculture75-12We think that we can create the ideal conditions for raising lobsters in an artificial environment and, thus, dramatically increase the food supply of the world.
Stopping Vandalism75-12
Mariana Islands75-12
Congressional "Perks"75-12
Samizadt75-12Samizadt is the Russian word for "self-publishing" and it was used during both the Czarist time and while under Soviet rule as a means of side-stepping government censorship. A couple from California is collecting and publishing documents smuggled through the Iron Curtain.

On Youtube with "Samizdat (75-20)"
Pacific Legal Foundation75-12The Pacific Legal Foundation was founded in 1973, only a couple years ago at the time of this broadcast, has made a name for itself on a number of legal cases already. Their primary target in the examples given my Reagan is the EPA. Reagan also mentions that they helped train investigators involved in the case of Linda Taylor.
Polls on Government75-12
Socialized Medicine I75-13Reagan shares some points from a recent essay by M. Stanton Evans entitled "Government Can Be Hazardous To Your Health." Reagan argues that Congressman, Senators and doctors are inventing a health crisis to solve with their socialized medicine plan.
Available in "Reagan In His Own Hand" Page 364
Socialized Medicine II75-13
Community Work Experience75-13
Phu Quoc75-13
Welfare Reform Corporations I75-13
Welfare Reform Corporations II75-13
Welfare Reform Corporations III75-13
Do Away with IRS?75-13
Turtles and Aquaculture75-13
Equal Rights Amendment: Pro75-14
Guest: Maureen Reagan
Equal Rights Amendment: Con75-14
Soviet Life75-14
World Affairs Report75-14
"Why Don't They ____?"75-14
Oil and the Shah of Iran75-15
Cuba, O.A.S., and Us75-15
The Helsinki Document75-15
CIA Commission75-16Reagan was part of a commission appointed by President Ford which investigated the CIA for acting inside the border of the United States. The press is making a big deal about the CIA spying, but Reagan notes that they are ignoring a very important part of the report: regarding the number of possible Soviet spies inside the country. Includes a couple sentences on "operatives whom an alias identity has been systematically developed which enables them to live in the United States ... without our knowledge of their true origins" which brings to mind the FX TV show The Americans.
Available on "Reagan In His Own Voice"
Available in "Reagan In His Own Hand" Page 121
Letter to Congress75-16
Permits to Plow75-16Sometimes, all it takes to transform a semi-harmless bill/law into a nightmare of epic proportions is a simple word. In this case, it was the removal of a seven letter word, navigable.
Ruritania75-16If the fictional country of Ruritania experienced a coup which installed a right-wing military junta, suppressing left-leaning politics and speech, what would be the public's reaction? What if everything happened exactly the same, except left and right were flipped, would the public's reaction be the same? What if everything actually happened??
From a column by James Burnham, appearing in National Review called "The Resonance Differential" from June 6, 1975.
Available in "Reagan In His Own Hand" Page 130

Audio and extended analysis in the sixth episode of the Citizen Reagan Podcast.
On Youtube
Gun Control75-16At the time, Congress was talking about handgun bans and confiscations. But if a man intends to be a criminal, does he really care if 'owning an illegal handgun' is tacked on as an additional charge?
Guest: Patrick J. Buchanan

On Youtube with "Mr. Nader's Great Treasury Raid"
Mr. Nader's Great Treasury Raid75-16The Consumer Protection Agency is back in the conversation. This time showing how Ralph Nader and his friends will benefit from the creation of such a government agency.
Guest: Patrick J. Buchanan

On Youtube with "Gun Control"
Images75-16Does perception equal truth? Reagan tells the stories of two of our Presidents, Dwight Eisenhower and Calvin Coolidge, and suggests they were something more than we give them credit for.
Available on "Reagan In His Own Voice"
Available in "Reagan In His Own Hand" Page 252
Indians' Plight75-16There's trouble on the Indian reservations thanks to the "American Indian Movement". Reagan reads a letter to the editor which details an incident of "outsiders with powerful weapons."
Available on "Reagan In His Own Voice"
Available in "Reagan In His Own Hand" Page 386
Crime Care and Prevention75-16Crime is up and the worst part about it, is it seems to be largely trouble with youth crime. What can we do? After a story involving a California youth camp and their interactions with members of B'nai B'rith Reagan believes that some volunteer role-models would do wonders in rehabbing troubled youth.
Pollution #175-16Were the "good old days" really that good? Reagan starts by discussing his memories of life when he was young, banking coal ashes in the furnace and walks through the snow to the outhouse. He then shares details from a recent essay written by John McKetta of the University of Texas at Austin about what life was like 150 years ago.
Available on "Reagan In His Own Voice"
Pollution #275-16Reagan continues sharing information from Dr. McKetta's essay. This time, the talk is about extinction, pointing out that species of animals and plants have been dying out for billions of years. (Comedian George Carlin's routine regarding environmentalism brilliantly states: "We didn't kill them all!")
Pollution #375-16In Reagan's final address pulling from Dr. McKetta's essay, The Eight Surprises, he focuses on air pollution. Los Angeles, among the worst cities in the United States in terms of air pollution, doesn't hold a candle to a room of smokers. Reagan ends with a very, very important realization which also hearkens back to George Carlin. 97% of the bad chemicals that find their way into the air, come from natural sources. If you added up all the pollution man had put into the air during his entire existence, it would not be as much as 3 volcanic eruptions: Krakatoa, Java 1883, Mt. Katmai, Alaska 1912 and Hekla, Iceland 1947.
Washington Ironies75-17
Tax Limitation75-17
Update: School Vandalism, UNICEF75-17
Saving Energy and Lives on the Freeway75-17
Reducing the Federal Burden75-17
Academic Freedom75-17Starting with a little history about Samuel Gompers, founder of the AFL, Reagan transitions to a discussion of the freedom of teachers to choose to join (or not join) a union. He tells the story of Mrs. Margaret Ellers who was fired from her job less than a year before being eligible for her full pension, because she refused to pay a $160 fee to a union she refused to join.
Available in "Reagan In His Own Hand" Page 362
Strengthening Social Security I75-17
Strengthening Social Security II75-17
Strengthening Social Security III75-17
Regional Government75-17
A Few Ironies75-18
National Economic Planning75-18Economic planning. Wouldn't that be great? Full employment, an end to inflation, affordable prices for everything...but will it work and at what cost in our freedom? Reagan gives some examples of what happened in Great Britain under their Labor party in the 1970s and asks, "Did it bring prosperity?"

On Youtube
Public Employee Strikes75-18
Hudson Institute on Education75-18
Federal Registry I75-18Ahh, the Federal Register, where are recorded all the rules and regulations of the country. How long was it in 1975? Only 50,000 pages. The Consumer Product Safety Commission, started only 2 years ago, is pulling its weight, creating regulations for everything from tricycles to ammunition to tobacco.
Available in "Reagan In His Own Hand" Page 293
More on Regulations II75-18
New York75-18
Available in "Reagan In His Own Hand" Page 404
The Federal Rathole75-18
Nuclear Power75-18
Cedu Foundation75-19
Castro, Cleaver and Puerto Rico75-19
"Peoples' Bicentennial Commission Survey,"75-19
Can You Persuade a Leftist?75-19
Producers in the Minority75-19
Uncle Sam the Advertiser75-19
U.S.P.S.'s Kokomo Plan75-19
Gun Laws, Drug Laws75-19
Available in "Reagan In His Own Hand"
Communist Conspiracy? #175-19
Communist Conspiracy? #275-19In the 1940s, when Reagan was the head of the Screen Actor's Guild, attempts were made by Communists to take control of the film industry. There were union strikes and significant threats made against anyone willing to cross the picket lines. Reagan is worried about Communist infiltration again.
Available in "Reagan In His Own Hand" Page 232
Communist Conspiracy? #375-19
Economic Planning75-20
The Russian Wheat Deal75-20Reagan hashes out the economic, moral, philosophical, benefits, detriments, etc. of the 1972 "Russian Wheat Deal." Our farmers want to sell the wheat, that's good for them, but if we help the Soviet Union, aren't we sustaining the slavery of their own people? If we hold back the grain, would they collapse sooner, freeing their people? If we do sell them the wheat, does that further enable them to wage war on us?
Available in "Reagan In His Own Hand" Page 26
Secret Service75-20
Some Thoughts on Unemployment75-20

On Youtube with "Samizdat (75-12)"
New Gasoline Lines?75-20
The Superintendent's Dilemma75-20
The Incredible Bread Machine75-20
A Break for the Handicapped75-20
Guest: Julie Nixon Eisenhower

On Youtube with "Welfare Abuses"
Welfare Abuses75-20
Guest: Julie Nixon Eisenhower

On Youtube with "Welfare Abuses"
Clear cutting75-21
Government Pay75-21
Letter to Employees75-21
Panama Canal75-21
Welfare Letter75-21
National Land Use Policy #175-21
National Land Use Policy #275-21
National Land Use Policy #375-21
The Trouble with New York City75-21
Crime75-22This collection is not available from the Hoover Institute.
What Would You Do if You Woke to Find a Burglar in Your Home75-22This collection is not available from the Hoover Institute.
Guest: William F. Buckley
Is Gerald Ford Ganging Up on New York City?75-22This collection is not available from the Hoover Institute.
Should Ex-CIA Employees Be Treated as Second-Class Citizens?75-22This collection is not available from the Hoover Institute.
Guest: William F. Buckley
How Do You Talk Back to Eric Sevaried?75-22This collection is not available from the Hoover Institute.
Guest: William F. Buckley
Should We Really Give Away the Panama Canal?75-22This collection is not available from the Hoover Institute.
Guest: William F. Buckley
Women in Government and Politics #175-22This collection is not available from the Hoover Institute.
Guest: Julie Nixon Eisenhower
Women in Government and Politics #275-22This collection is not available from the Hoover Institute.
Guest: Julie Nixon Eisenhower
Women in Government and Politics #375-22--This collection is not available from the Hoover Institute.
Guest: Julie Nixon Eisenhower