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<TR ALIGN="CENTER"><TD>''Speaking My Mind''</TD><TD>''Actor, Ideologue, Politician''</TD><TD>''A City Upon a Hill''</TD><TD>''A Time For Choosing''</TD></TR>
<TR ALIGN="CENTER"><TD WIDTH="33%"> https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/41LD21wT+wS._SL180_.jpg </TD><TD WIDTH="33%"> https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/31LwApNfWwL._SL180_.jpg </TD><TD WIDTH="33%"> https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/41rc7DZ-S2L._SL180_.jpg </TD></TR>
<TR ALIGN="CENTER"><TD>''Speaking My Mind''</TD><TD>''Actor, Ideologue, Politician''</TD><TD>''A City Upon a Hill''</TD></TR>
<TR ALIGN="CENTER"><TD> https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/31ZRqW8II8L._SL180_.jpg </TD><TD> https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/41dUJwP+fHL._SL180_.jpg </TD><TD> https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/21JxS22XWuL._SL180_.jpg </TD>
<TR ALIGN="CENTER"><TD WIDTH="33%"> https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/31ZRqW8II8L._SL180_.jpg </TD><TD WIDTH="33%"> https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/41dUJwP+fHL._SL180_.jpg </TD><TD WIDTH="33%"> https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/51MCrrKGwLL._SL180_.jpg </TD>
<TR ALIGN="CENTER"><TD>''Ronald Reagan Talks to America''</TD><TD>''The Notes''</TD><TD>''The Creative Society''</TD>
<TR ALIGN="CENTER"><TD>''Ronald Reagan Talks to America''</TD><TD>''The Notes''</TD><TD>''A Time For Choosing''</TD></TR>
== Speaking My Mind (by Ronald Reagan)==
== Speaking My Mind ==
[https://www.amazon.com/dp/067168857X On Amazon]
[https://www.amazon.com/dp/067168857X On Amazon]&emsp;&emsp;[https://www.google.com/books/edition/Speaking_My_Mind/MH7b57xk6jIC on Google]
Citizen Speeches included:
* Remarks at the Kiwanis International Convention, St. Louis, Missouri - June 21, 1951
* [[A_Time_For_Choosing|Televised Nationwide Address on Behalf of Senator Barry Goldwater]], October 27, 1964
* Eisenhower College Fundraiser, Washington D.C. - October 14, 1969
* Robert Taylor Eulogy, Los Angeles, California - June 11, 1969
* Syndicated Radio Shows ([[75-07-B3|''Abortion Laws'']], [[76-01-A6|''Getting Back at Bureaucrats A'']])
* [https://www.reaganlibrary.gov/archives/speech/inaugural-address-1981 Inaugural Address], West of the United States Capitol building - January 20, 1981 ([https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zEqVnU-m9dE Youtube])
* [https://www.reaganlibrary.gov/archives/speech/remarks-white-house-luncheon-members-baseball-hall-fame Remarks at a Luncheon for Members of the Baseball Hall of Fame], State Dining Room - March 27, 1981
* [https://www.reaganlibrary.gov/archives/speech/address-nation-economy-february-1981 Address to the Nation on the Economy], Oval Office - February 5, 1981 ([https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ufMyHSj5zpM Youtube])
* [https://www.reaganlibrary.gov/archives/speech/remarks-and-question-and-answer-session-reporters-air-traffic-controllers-strike Statement on the Air Traffic Controllers' Strike], White House Rose Garden - August 4, 1981 ([https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ZzzvZGk-1I Youtube])
* Remarks on the 84th Annual Dinner of the Irish American Historical Society, New York City - November 6, 1981
* Remarks at the Conservative Political Action Conference, Washington, D.C., March 20, 1981
* Remarks on the Departure of the U.S. Delegation to Funeral Services for President Anwar Sadat, White House South Lawn, October 8, 1981
* Address to Members of the British Parliament, Palace of Westminster, June 8, 1982
* Eureka College Alumni Dinner, Peoria, Illinois, May 9, 1982
* Remarks at the Recommissioning of the USS New Jersey, Long Beach, California, December 28, 1982
* Annual National Prayer Breakfast, Washington, D.C., February 4, 1982
* Christmas Day Radio Address to the Nation, December 25, 1982
* Address on Central America Before a Joint Session of the Congress, April 27, 1983
* Remarks on Greeting the Finalists of the National Spelling Bee, White House Rose Garden, June 6, 1983
* Remarks on the Anniversary of Martin Luther King, Jr.’s Birth, East Room of the White House, January 15, 1983
* Remarks at the Annual Convention of the National Association of Evangelicals, Orlando, Florida, March 8, 1983
* Remarks on Awarding the U.S. Coast Guard Medal Posthumously to Arland D. Williams, Jr., Oval Office, June 6, 1983
* Address to the Nation on Events in Lebanon and Grenada, Oval Office, October 27, 1983
* Remarks on Accepting the GOP Presidential Nomination, Dallas, Texas, August 23, 1984
* Remarks at the U.S. Ranger Monument, Pointe du Hoc, France, June 6, 1984
* Remarks at the Normandy Invasion Ceremony, Omaha Beach, France, June 6, 1984
* Remarks to the Citizens of Ballyporeen, Ballyporeen, Ireland, ]une 3, 1984
* Remarks at the Al Smith Dinner, New York City, October 18, 1984
* Remarks at a Rally in Fairfield, Connecticut, October 26, 1984
* Address to the Nation on the Upcoming U.S.-Soviet Summit in Geneva, Oval Office, November 14, 1985
* Remarks at Bergen-Belsen Concentration Camp and Bitburg Air Base, Federal Republic of Germany, May 5, 1985
* Remarks on Presenting the Presidential Medal of Freedom to Mother Teresa, White House Rose Garden, June 20, 1985
* Remarks at the Conservative Political Action Conference, Washington, D.C., March 1, 1985
* Remarks at the Memorial Service for Members of the 101st Airborne Division, Fort Campbell, Kentucky, December 16, 1985
* Address to the Nation on the U.S. Air Strike Against Libya, Oval Office, April 14, 1986
* Address to the Nation on the Challenger Disaster, Oval Office, January 28, 1986
* Remarks at a Dinner Honoring Tip O’Neill, Washington, D.C., March 17, 1986
* Remarks at the Statue of Liberty Centennial Ceremonies, Governors Island, July 3, 1986
* Remarks on Signing the Tax Reform Act into Law, White House South Lawn, October 22, 1986
* Address to the Nation on Return from Meeting with General Secretary Gorbachev, Oval Office, October 13, 1986
* Meeting with Hostage David Jacobsen and Reporters, White House Rose Garden, November 7, 1986
* Remarks on Signing the INF Treaty, White House East Room, December 8, 1987
* Remarks at the Memorial Service for Malcolm Baldrige, The National Cathedral, Washington, D.C., July 29, 1987
* Remarks at a Ceremony Honoring Residents of Chase, Maryland, Old Executive Office Building, February 3, 1987
* Address to the Nation on the Tower Commission Report, Oval Office, March 4, 1987
* Remarks at the Memorial Service for Crew Members of the USS Stark, Jacksonville, Florida, May 22, 1987
* Remarks at the Brandenburg Gate, West Berlin, June 12, 1987
* Remarks at the Memorial Service for Edith Luckett Davis, St. Thomas the Apostle Roman Catholic Church, Phoenix, Arizona, October 31, 1987
* Veterans Day Ceremony, Vietnam Veterans Memorial, November 11, 1988
* Remarks at the White House Correspondents Dinner, Washington, D.C., April 21, 1988
* Remarks and Question-and-Answer Session with Students at Moscow State University, May 31, 1988
* Remarks at a Campaign Rally for Vice President George Bush, San Diego, California, November 7, 1988
* Tribute to Mrs. Reagan, Republican National Convention, New Orleans, Louisiana, August 15, 1988
* Farewell Address to the Nation, Oval Office, January 11, 1989
== Actor, Ideologue, Politician ==
== Actor, Ideologue, Politician ==
[https://www.amazon.com/dp/0313284911 On Amazon]
[https://www.amazon.com/dp/0313284911 On Amazon]&emsp;&emsp; [https://www.google.com/books/edition/Actor_Ideologue_Politician/n8Z3AAAAMAAJ on Google]
Citizen Speeches Included:
* "America the Beautiful" (6/52)
* House Ways and Means Committee (1/58)
* "[[Business, Ballots and Bureaus]]" (5/59)
* Television Address (11/62)
* Inaugural Address (1/67)
* Budget and Taxes (7/67)
* California Taxpayer's Association (3/68)
* Women's National Press Club (4/68)
* Tax Reform Program (4/69)
* The "People's Park" (6/69)
* YMCA Model Legislature (1/70)
* California Young Republicans Convention (2/70)
* Inaugural Address (1/71)
* American Association of University Women
* State Convention (5/71)
* National Broadcasting Company Affiliates Luncheon (5/72)
* American Legion Convention (6/72)
* Association of California Water Agencies (4/73)
* California Order of the Eastern Star (10/73)
* Republican State Central Committee (4/74)
* American Trucking Association Board of Directors (10/74)
* "Let the People Rule" (9/75)
* Nationwide Campaign Speech (3/76)
* Republican National Convention (7/80)
* Birmingham, Alabama Campaign Speech (l0/80)
* Inaugural Address (1/81)
* Program for Economic Recovery (2/81)
* Federal Tax Reduction Legislation (7/81)
* State of the Union Address (1/82)
* Address to the Nation on Peace in the Middle East (9/82)
* Address to the Nation on the Economy (10/32)
* Radio Address on Economic and Budget
* State of the Union Address (1/83)
* Soviet Attack on a Korean Civilian Airliner (9/83)
* Lebanon and Grenada (10/83)
* United States-Soviet Relations (1/84)
* State of the Union Address (1/84)
* Reagan-Bush Candidacies for Reelection (1/84)
* Inaugural Address (1/85)
* State of the Union Address (2/85)
* Address to the Nation on the Explosion of the Space Shuttle Challenger (1/86)
* State of the Union (2/86)
* Radio Address on Welfare Reform (2/86)
* Radio Address on Tax Reform (2/86)
* Radio Address on the Strategic Defense Initiative (5/86)
* Iran Arms and Contra Aid Controversy (11/86)
* Iran Arms and Contra Aid Controversy (12/86)
* New Year's Radio Address to the People of the Soviet Union (12/86)
* State of the Union (1/87)
* United Nations General Assembly (9/87)
* State of the Union (01/88)
* Farewell Address to the Nation (1/89)
* Final Radio Address (1/89)
* Republican National Convention (8/92)
== A City Upon a Hill ==
== A City Upon a Hill ==
[https://www.amazon.com/dp/0931727073 On Amazon]
[https://www.amazon.com/dp/0931727073 On Amazon]&emsp;&emsp; Not found on Google
== A Time For Choosing ==
Contains the text of Reagan's speeches at CPAC from 1974 to 1988.
[https://www.amazon.com/dp/0895268388 On Amazon]
Citizen Speeches Included:
* [[A City Upon a Hill-Prepared Version|"We Will Be as a City Upon a Hill..."]] — January 25, 1974
* Let Them Go Their Way — February 15, 1975
* The New Republican Party — February 5, 1977
* America's Purpose In the World — March 17, 1978
* Our Time Is Now. Our Moment Has Arrived — March 20, 1981
* The Agenda Is Victory — February 26, 1982
* We Will Not Be Turned Back — February 18, 1983
* Our Noble Vision: An Opportunity Society for All — March 2, 1984
* Creators of The Future — March 1, 1985
* Forward For Freedom — January 30, 1986
* A Future That Works — February 20, 1987
* On the Frontier of Freedom — February 11, 1988
== Ronald Reagan Talks to America ==
== Ronald Reagan Talks to America ==
[https://www.amazon.com/dp/0815967195 On Amazon]
[https://www.amazon.com/dp/0815967195 On Amazon]&emsp;&emsp;[https://www.google.com/books/edition/Ronald_Reagan_Talks_to_America/3FElAQAAMAAJ on Google]
Citizen Speeches Include (not presented in chronological order in the book):
* A Time for Choosing: 1964
* The Creative Society: First Inaugural Message as Governor: l967
* Have We Been Out of Touch with Reality?: 1967
* The Last Island of Freedom: 1967
* The Democratic Party Left Us: 1967
* Government Is Not the Answer: 1968
* The Role of State Legislators: 1968
* To the Economic Club of New York: 1968
* To the Republican National Convention: 1976
* To the Republican National Convention: 1980
* A Secret Ballot for Unions: 1967
* Take the judges Out of Politics: 1968
* On Qualifications for Judicial Appointment: 1980
* Crime: 1968
* How Sick as Medicare? 1968
* The Race Problem and the Ghetto: 1969
* On Welfare Reform: 1972
* Inner-City Decay: 1980
* Inflation: The Carter-Reagan Debate: 1980
* On Terrorism: l968
* What Price Peace? The Vietnam Years: 1968
* On the Role of the West: 1977
* On the Western Hemisphere: 1980
* Arms Control: The Carter-Reagan Debate: 1980
* Our Polluted Air, Water, and Land: 1967
* Let's Use the Ocean: 1969
* Conservation, Recreation, and Tomorrow: 1970
* Energy: The Carter-Reagan Debate: 1980
* The Dos Rios Dam Project vs. the Indians of Round Valley, California
* The Right of the People to Know: 1969
* Television and Politics: 1970
* Highlights of the 1980 Presidential Campaign
* On the Function of a University: 1966
* On Dedicating a Library at Alma Mater: l967
* The Perils of Higher Education: 1968
* What Is Academic Freedom? 1970
* The Inaugural Address: 1981
* A Program for Economic Recovery: 1981
* On the Imposition of Martial Law in Poland: 1981
== Ronald Reagan: The Notes ==
== Ronald Reagan: The Notes ==
[https://www.amazon.com/dp/0062065130 On Amazon]
[https://www.amazon.com/dp/0062065130 On Amazon]&emsp;&emsp;[https://www.google.com/books/edition/The_Notes/mzWAUvnVJqcC on Google]
''The Notes'' is not exactly a collection of speeches, rather it is a collection of Reagan's note cards, which he often used in the composition of his speeches.<BR>
[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HA7sP47e8tA More on Reagan's note cards] from CBS Sunday, Mo Rocca and Drew Carey.
== A Time For Choosing ==
[https://www.amazon.com/dp/0895268388 On Amazon]&emsp;&emsp;[https://www.google.com/books/edition/A_Time_for_Choosing/OhcWZvjbqlsC on Google]
Citizen Speeches Included:
== The Creative Society ==
* Encroaching Control — 1961
[https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0006BVROQ On Amazon]
* A Time For Choosing — 1964
* The Creative Society — 1967
* The Value Of Understanding The Past — 1967
* Ours Is Not A Sick Society — 1970
* The Obligations Of Liberty — 1972
* How Our System Works — 1973
* An Idea Whose Time Has Come-1973
* Why The Conservative Movement Is Growing — 1973
* Rebuilding A Prosperous America — 1974
* Government And The Family — 1976
* Reshaping The American Political Landscape: What Is A Conservative? — 1977
* United States Foreign Policy And World Realities — 1977
* We Need A Rebirth In Leadership — 1980
* Economic Recovery Will Take Time — 1981
* America's New Beginning — 1981
* The Time For Action Is Now — 1982
* Freedom Is Our Common Destiny — 1982
* The Willingness To Defend Our Values — 1982
* A Crusade For Freedom — 1982
* The Atlantic Alliance — 1982
* Reduction Of Nuclear Arms — 1982

Latest revision as of 14:07, 17 May 2022

41LD21wT+wS._SL180_.jpg 31LwApNfWwL._SL180_.jpg 41rc7DZ-S2L._SL180_.jpg
Speaking My MindActor, Ideologue, PoliticianA City Upon a Hill

31ZRqW8II8L._SL180_.jpg 41dUJwP+fHL._SL180_.jpg 51MCrrKGwLL._SL180_.jpg
Ronald Reagan Talks to AmericaThe NotesA Time For Choosing

Speaking My Mind[edit]

On Amazon  on Google

Citizen Speeches included:

Actor, Ideologue, Politician[edit]

On Amazon   on Google

Citizen Speeches Included:

  • "America the Beautiful" (6/52)
  • House Ways and Means Committee (1/58)
  • "Business, Ballots and Bureaus" (5/59)
  • Television Address (11/62)
  • "Let the People Rule" (9/75)
  • Nationwide Campaign Speech (3/76)

A City Upon a Hill[edit]

On Amazon   Not found on Google

Contains the text of Reagan's speeches at CPAC from 1974 to 1988.

Citizen Speeches Included:

  • "We Will Be as a City Upon a Hill..." — January 25, 1974
  • Let Them Go Their Way — February 15, 1975
  • The New Republican Party — February 5, 1977
  • America's Purpose In the World — March 17, 1978

Ronald Reagan Talks to America[edit]

On Amazon  on Google

Citizen Speeches Include (not presented in chronological order in the book):

  • A Time for Choosing: 1964
  • To the Republican National Convention: 1976
  • To the Republican National Convention: 1980
  • On Qualifications for Judicial Appointment: 1980
  • Inner-City Decay: 1980
  • Inflation: The Carter-Reagan Debate: 1980
  • On the Role of the West: 1977
  • On the Western Hemisphere: 1980
  • Arms Control: The Carter-Reagan Debate: 1980
  • Energy: The Carter-Reagan Debate: 1980
  • Highlights of the 1980 Presidential Campaign

Ronald Reagan: The Notes[edit]

On Amazon  on Google

The Notes is not exactly a collection of speeches, rather it is a collection of Reagan's note cards, which he often used in the composition of his speeches.
More on Reagan's note cards from CBS Sunday, Mo Rocca and Drew Carey.

A Time For Choosing[edit]

On Amazon  on Google

Citizen Speeches Included:

  • Encroaching Control — 1961
  • A Time For Choosing — 1964
  • Government And The Family — 1976
  • Reshaping The American Political Landscape: What Is A Conservative? — 1977
  • United States Foreign Policy And World Realities — 1977