Reagan Speeches
Revision as of 00:21, 10 May 2022 by Reagan admin (talk | contribs)
Speaking My Mind | Actor, Ideologue, Politician | A City Upon a Hill |
Ronald Reagan Talks to America | The Notes | A Time For Choosing |
Speaking My Mind
Citizen Speeches included:
- Remarks at the Kiwanis International Convention, St. Louis, Missouri - June 21, 1951
- Televised Nationwide Address on Behalf of Senator Barry Goldwater, October 27, 1964
- Eisenhower College Fundraiser, Washington D.C. - October 14, 1969
- Robert Taylor Eulogy, Los Angeles, California - June 11, 1969
- Syndicated Radio Shows (Abortion Laws, Getting Back at Bureaucrats A)
Actor, Ideologue, Politician
On Amazon on Google Citizen Speeches Included:
- "America the Beautiful" (6/52)
- House Ways and Means Committee (1/58)
- "Business, Ballots, and Bureaus" (5/59)
- Television Address (11/62)
- "Let the People Rule" (9/75)
- Nationwide Campaign Speech (3/76)
A City Upon a Hill
On Amazon Not found on Google
Contains the text of Reagan's speeches at CPAC from 1974 to 1988.
Citizen Speeches Included:
- "We Will Be as a City Upon a Hill..." — January 25, 1974
- Let Them Go Their Way — February 15, 1975
- The New Republican Party — February 5, 1977
- America's Purpose In the World — March 17, 1978
Ronald Reagan Talks to America
Ronald Reagan: The Notes
The Notes is not exactly a collection of speeches, rather it is a collection of Reagan's note cards, which he often used in the composition of his speeches.
More on Reagan's note cards from CBS Sunday, Mo Rocca and Drew Carey.
A Time For Choosing
Citizen Speeches Included:
- Encroaching Control — 1961
- A Time For Choosing — 1964
- The Creative Society — 1967
- The Value Of Understanding The Past — 1967
- Ours Is Not A Sick Society — 1970
- The Obligations Of Liberty — 1972
- How Our System Works — 1973
- An Idea Whose Time Has Come-1973
- Why The Conservative Movement Is Growing — 1973
- Rebuilding A Prosperous America — 1974
- Government And The Family — 1976
- Reshaping The American Political Landscape: What Is A Conservative? — 1977
- United States Foreign Policy And World Realities — 1977
- We Need A Rebirth In Leadership — 1980
- Economic Recovery Will Take Time — l98l
- America's New Beginning — 1981
- The Time For Action Is Now — 1982
- Freedom Is Our Common Destiny — 1982
- The Willingness To Defend Our Values — 1982
- A Crusade For Freedom — 1982
- The Atlantic Alliance — 1982
- Reduction Of Nuclear Arms — 1982