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Gun Control # 1[edit]


The Attorney General's come up with a new twist in the ongoing effort to take away the guns American's use for self-defense, hunting and recreational purposes. I'll be right back.

Edward Levy the new Attorney General of the United States proposes that strict federal controls be placed on handguns in urban areas with high or rising crime rates. In those areas, he'd make it illegal to sell, transfer or bring in handguns or ammunition. His theory presumably is that people bent on murder, robbery and other violent crimes would suddenly be deterred because it would be illegal for them to carry or use guns. Now that's funny, it seems to me that the best way to deter murderers and thieves is to arm law-abiding folk, not disarm them.

Before we disarm the average American, we should ask ourselves, "What is it that deters a criminal?" I think there are three answers: fear of punishment, fear of getting caught and fear of being hurt or wounded during the commission of the crime. You can't punish the criminal unless you catch him so his first real fears are of capture and of being hurt. These come at the hands of either the police or the intended victims. When you come right down to it there aren't many police out there in comparison to the number of potential victims. As a result many criminals go uncaught and easy bail, easy judges and soft laws quickly put back on the street too many of those who are caught. This leaves the intended victim pretty much in the position of having to fend for himself, though the average victim doesn't actually fend very well. He or she is usually a peaceful person who isn't well versed in any art of self-defense whether it be with gun, fist or karate chop.

Nevertheless as news story after story shows, if the victim is armed he has a chance, a better chance by far, than if he isn't armed. Nobody knows in fact how many crimes are not committed because criminals know that a certain store owner has a gun and will use it. And nobody knows how many crimes are committed only because a store or home looks like an easy touch. It seems to me that Mr. Levy has things backward. Rather than take away guns of the law abiding in areas where criminals and crimes are rampant, he should encourage homeowners and business people to purchase them and learn how to use them properly.

If Mr. Levy succeeds in outlawing guns in high crime areas he'll only have made sure that the law-abiding citizens in those areas are sitting ducks for any gun-wielding criminal who comes along. Americans should always be alert to proposals that would lessen their ability to defend themselves, their homes, their families and their businesses, and this includes the proposals to take away their firearms. After all guns don't make criminals it's criminals who make use of guns. They're the ones who should be punished not the law-abiding citizen who seeks only to protect himself.

I'm going to be talking about this for the next couple of days.

This is Ronald Reagan.

Thanks for listening.



Batch Number75-11-B1
Production Date06/01/1975
Youtube?Posted by Me

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